No: 148, 19 June 2023, Press Release Regarding the Reopening of Embassies between Qatar and United Arab Emirates

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 19.06.2023

We highly welcome the decision taken by the State of Qatar and United Arab Emirates to mutually reactivate their diplomatic missions after a long break.

We believe that this decision will make significant contributions to the peace and stability of our region.


Pazar - Perşembe

09.00 - 12.30 / 14.00 - 17.00

Tatil Günleri: Cuma ve Cumartesi
1.05.2021 1.05.2021 İşçi Bayramı
22.05.2021 22.05.2021 Milli Gün
26.09.2021 26.09.2021 1962 Devrimi Yıldönümü
14.10.2021 14.10.2021 1963 Devrimi Yıldönümü
30.11.2021 30.11.2021 1967 Sömürgeden Bağımsızlık Yıldönümü